Showing all 7 results

Access Gate of SB, right side

Preference to sell complete set and not by sections when possible

Aluminium Barrier, 155×165 cm

155×165 hurdles made in aluminium, very light, almost half of the classic ANKA standard access barrier (9,6 kg vs 16

Extra Tarp to cover barrier side (ANKA)

In high performance integrated barrier model it is already included, in the other two not.

Fixing Plates to crush of SB

Preference to sell complete set and not by sections when possible

Frame of SB

Preference to sell complete set and not by sections when possible Measurements – 1200mm x 1818mm

Left Access Gate of SB, left side

Preference to sell complete set and not by sections when possible

Standard Access Barriers (SB) (ANKA)

Preference to sell complete set and not by sections when possible Measurements – 1562mm x 1655mm